This Post Has 59 Comments

  1. Lathrop Lybrook

    If you are a survivor of the troubled-teen industry and send me your email address through the contact page, I will be happy to send you the scripts in PDF form.

    1. Lorie G.

      Hey! Can I please get a copy?

      1. Lathrop Lybrook

        Yes, I just sent them to you. Let me know if you don’t receive them.

    2. Thomas Oravec

      I’d like pdf copies.

      1. Shannon Rosenthal

        I’d like a copy too please! This is great. Thank you!

        1. Lathrop Lybrook

          I just sent them!

    3. Mary Grey

      Can I have a copy please?

    4. Jennifer Edelson

      May I have the copies too please?

      1. Lathrop Lybrook

        Yes, if I don’t send them to you tomorrow, I will before the weekend is over.

    5. Jackie Levin (formerly Velick)

      Hey, I attended RMA from 94-97.

      1. Jackie Levin (formerly Velick)

        Oops didn’t realize this would post my response. I’d love a pdf copy. Thanks so much!

        1. Lathrop Lybrook

          Hi Jackie, I’m sorry I just saw your request. I sent the scripts to you earlier today. Let me know if you didn’t receive them.

    6. Hunter Pipes

      Hi LL,

      Respect for all of the work that you have put in on this. If it is still convenient, could you please forward these scripts onto me in PDF format? I graduated from RMA in 1989. I was in peer group 23.
      Thanks in advance.


      1. Lathrop Lybrook

        Thank you, and I just sent them. Let me know if you don’t receive them.

        1. Brittany

          Hi. Thank you so much. May I have a pdf copy?

    7. Jackie

      I would like a copy.

      1. Lathrop Lybrook

        I just sent them. Please let me know if you did not receive them.

    8. alia

      Wow Lathrop, this is spectacular. I’m sorry to just be seeing it now. Wow. What an enormous amount of work. I can barely bring myself to look at them. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  2. Jenny Henry

    Would love the scripts in pdf form.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I added you to the list of people who have requested them, and I will send them out at the same time within the next couple of days.

      1. Aleksandar Adzic

        Can I get a copy?

        1. Lathrop Lybrook


  3. Julia Easterby

    This would be a valuable tool for me during my trauma therapy.
    I would love a copy of this.

    1. Cedu Taters

      Have you found a therapist / doctor that 100% grasps the damage CEDU inflicted? Do they specialize in TTI trauma? I’ve been looking everywhere and can’t find any that are worth a shit.

  4. Lathrop Lybrook

    I just added you to the list of people to send them to. I’m planning on getting them out this weekend. I hope they help.

    1. Bobbi George

      Me too please. Love reading your story btw. You write very well! Puts me right there. Anyway…thx for doing all of this work and gathering everything.

      1. Lathrop Lybrook

        Thank You. I’m sending them to you now.

  5. Jacob Fenton

    I would love them.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I just added you to the list of people I’m sending them to, and I’ll get them out this weekend.

  6. Rebecca Weiss

    I would love a PDF or a copy of them please.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I just added you to the list of people I’m sending them to, and I’ll get them out this weekend.

  7. Lindsay Lucido

    I would love a copy too if you’re still offering to send them! Thanks 🙂

    1. Lindsay Lucido

      Never mind!! Figured out how to see them. My bad!

    2. Lathrop Lybrook

      I absolutely will!

  8. Kimberly Lease

    Could I please have a copy?

  9. Lathrop Lybrook

    Yes, I’m sending them out right now.

  10. Hunter Pipes

    Having a PDF copy of these scripts would be really beneficial to me. Been doing a lot of internal work lately to try and make sense of what we all experienced in Bonners Ferry and Running Springs.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I’ll send them to you in just a minute.

  11. Beth Ann Cullman 1988-1990 Cedu

    Hi there, I would love a PDF copy. Thank you so much for putting all of this together.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I’ll try to get them sent to you by the end of the night. I hope all the information helps with people’s healing process.

  12. Brent Adams

    Hey Lathrop – if you’re still sending these PDFs, I’d love a copy. Thanks!

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I just sent them!

  13. Keli Rankin

    Hey. Could I please have a pdf copy of these? I was at Ascent and RMA from 93-96. These would be helpful in my healing journey.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I just sent them to you. I hope they help. If you feel comfortable, will you please share what your healing journey is? I’m in the process of starting my own, and I’m not sure which direction to go.

  14. Travis Gallagher

    Hello, may I also get them? Thanks!

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      Hi Travis, I just sent them to you. Please let me know if you did not receive them.

  15. Garry

    Please send me a copy? Thanks.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I just sent them.

  16. Nick Correnti

    I would really appreciate it if you could please send these to me as well. I was at CEDU for a couple years until around 1997. Thank you for sharing these! I know many of us greatly appreciate the work and time you put into this. Thank you again.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      Thank you, Nick. I just emailed them to you. I hope they help.

  17. Mae Wilder

    I’d like copies please.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      Hi, Mae. I believe I sent them to you back in March. Please let me know if you did not receive them.

  18. The one good kid

    Would love a copy if that’s a viable thanks!

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      I thought I was the one good kid there 😉 I just sent the propheet scripts. I’m sorry it took so long, but I just saw your request. Please let me know if you didn’t receive them.

  19. Dale L Peterson

    Can I please get a copy? I’m working here.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      Hi, Dale. Where do you work?

  20. Mikey D.

    From 96 to 98 I was at cedu middle,ascent 2 times,and b.c.a.
    until they finally kicked me out.
    Thank you for what you are doing and I would also like the pdf’s please.

    1. Lathrop Lybrook

      Hi Mikey, I’m sorry it took me so long to send the scripts. I just emailed them to you. Please let me know if you do not receive them all. I hope they help in whatever way they can.

  21. Hi! Your archive is truly meticulous and amazing. Thanks for this great RMA/CEDU TTI resource. I’m terribly sorry you went to this highly abusive and traumatizing program (and others). Wishing you all the best – I hope you are happy and thriving and in a good place. Lastly – please send me the pdf’s of these because they are SO MUCH like the Hyde School (Bath, Maine). Our program founder LOVED “The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran, as well. He often referenced it in his troubled teen program materials. Please be well and many thanks again for sharing your life and personal papers. You are very inspiring!

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