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  1. Jo McCormick

    Hello Lathrop- our son Michael went to Gateway Academy in Draper, Utah when he was sent from Juvenile Hall (for having a breakdown at school after being caught once with pot). We still suffer from that decision. He was 16. He is now 25. It is never going away. Our educational consultant was Bob Casanova, Santa Rosa, CA. Maybe he is one of the good ones. I don’t know. Michael went to UNI psychiatric unit in Salt Lake first. He has described his stay at both places as a cult. He has sought years of trauma therapy and is constantly trying to find a way to sue these places. He introduced me to Breaking Code Silence. I applaud your bravery and your story as a survivor. Jo (Josephine McCormick)

  2. Lathrop Lybrook

    Hi Jo, thank you for sharing. I hope Michael continues to heal. My parents were recommended CEDU by Dr. Charles P. Stewart in Atlanta, Georgia who was head of adolescent psychology at Charter Peachford Hospital without ever having him see or speak to me. Little did they know that CEDU paid doctors and educational consultants for their recommendations. I have heard that it was $5,000 for the initial enrollment and then they continued to get paid every month the child stayed enrolled after that. It’s an untrustworthy system motivated by money instead of the well-being of the child they claim to be helping. Do you remember any ways Bob Casonova manipulated you or wasn’t entirely honest in an effort to keep Michael in the programs he was sent to? Does Michael feel trauma therapy has helped him?

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